Total Food 2017, held in Norwich from 31 October to 2 November, attracted a mix of industrialists and academics from across the world and discussed food waste at all levels of the food use hierarchy. The event featured a number of plenary lectures from REFRESH partners and was organized by the Quadram Institute Bioscience.
The EU-funded project Strategies to Reduce Food Waste in Central Europe (STREFOWA) will be hosting its second of five Food Waste Hackathons in Poland June 23-25.
The REFRESH project has evaluated the top 20 EU food waste streams having significant environmental impact. Thirty-seven priority waste streams were further reviewed to identify the top streams for modeling and detailed research with regards to valorization.
El partner español de REFRESH, CREDA-UPC-IRTA, está trabajando con WRAP y con actores nacionales clave para abordar el desperdicio alimentario en Cataluña y España.
As part of REFRESH we are reaching out to capture information for an up-to-date overview of current and best practice commercial examples of re-using or re-processing food sector by-products and wastes. Please contribute knowledge and contacts to the survey by 31 October 2017! Contributing to this survey supports the wider objectives of REFRESH for an efficient and sustainable use of non-preventable food sector by-products.
This report records the progress of four European countries (Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain) in the establishment of Frameworks for Action to tackle food waste along the whole supply chain.
The Danish Minister of Environment and Food invites leading international experts, gastronomy frontrunners, influencers, and decisions makers for the World Food Summit in Copenhagen in August 2017.
The Nordic Council of Ministers for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Agriculture, Food and Forestry and the Norwegian Chairmanship of 2017 are inviting to a conference on April 27 2017.
Con la firma del Marco de Acción, los firmantes se implican en un acuerdo no vinculante para contribuir a reducir el desperdicio de alimentos en las áreas que consideren más relevantes de la cadena alimentaria. El Marco de Acción tiene como objetivo contribuir a alcanzar el objetivo 12.3 de los ODS de reducir a la mitad los residuos de alimentos per cápita para el año 20301.