An online database, FoodWasteExplorer, has been developed to aid identification of market opportunities and better waste utilisation. It contains compositional data for agri-food waste streams. Representatives from the food industry, researchers, independent consultants, and animal nutritional experts are sought to help evaluate FoodWasteExplorer prior to wider release.
The goal of EU Food and Farming Forum (EU3F) is to co-construct a set of
policy proposals addressed to the EU for a comprehensive ‘Common Food Policy’. The Forum will provide a platform to collectively identify and agree on priorities for sustainable food systems reforms, bringing greater coherence between policy areas and policy levels.
A Sino-Nordic Seminar on Sustainable Food Systems and Food Waste was held on January 13-14, 2018, in Shanghai, China. Over 40 active researchers and stakeholders from the Nordic countries and China in the field of sustainable food systems and food waste shared experience and discussed potential directions of collaboration.
The progress of the Refresh project and the latest initiatives of the members of the Platform were presented, the next steps to be followed in the coming months were also discussed. We enjoyed both an interesting and entertaining program. covers EU efforts to combat food waste, and mentions the REFRESH project and the newly launched Community of Experts (CoE)
Euronews covers Sirplus in Berlin, and features REFRESH researcher Stephanie Wunder.
The United Nations estimates that if farmers around the world fed their livestock on the food that we currently waste and on agricultural by-products, enough grain would be liberated to feed an extra three billion people. To help food businesses contribute to such a grand waste-free future, REFRESH has built a web app for businesses to clarify which surplus food is suitable, and what needs to be done to send the food to animal feed in a safe and legal way.
On World Food Day, 16 October 2017, Toine Timmermans, Program Manager Circular Economy in Food at Wageningen University & Research, and Coordinator of the EU projects FUSIONS and REFRESH, presented at the event Harnessing Research and Innovation for FOOD 2030 in Brussels.
Az Agrár Marketing Centrum szervezésében szeptemberben tartották az idei Országos Mezőgazdasági Kiállítás és Vásárt. Az OMÉK 2017 elsődleges célja, hogy szakmai szempontból bemutassa a fejlett, hatékony, környezettudatos vállalkozásokra, családi gazdaságokra, kis- és őstermelőkre épülő mezőgazdaságot, és annak értékeit, eredményeit megismertesse a szakmával és a nagyközönséggel. Az esemény kiemelt témája volt élelmiszerpazarlás elleni küzdelem.
The Hungarian pilot working platform (PWP) meeting was organised as a conference alongside the National Agriculture and Food Exhibition and Fair. The event took place in September 2017 and the main organizer was the Agricultural Marketing Agency. The primary objective of the event was to present professionally the development of advanced, efficient, environmentally conscious businesses, family farms, small and primary producers, and introduce their values and results to the profession and to the general public. One of the main focus points of the event was the fight against food waste.