A projekt fő célja, hogy a "termőföldtől a tányérig" megközelítés jegyében élelmiszer-hulladék csökkentő tevékenységeket dolgozzon ki a zöldség-gyümölcs ágazatban. Ez az egy általában nem túlságosan hosszú ellátási lánc, mivel feldolgozás nem része a folyamatnak, ez bizonyos szempontból megkönnyíti a helyzetet. A projekt elsősorban az alacsony minőségű termékre fókuszál, melyeknek a fogyasztókhoz történő eljuttatását mind kereskedelemi (értékesítés) és nem-kereskedelmi (adományozás) csatornákon keresztül tervezzük tesztelni.
The Hungarian Pilot Working Platform initiated the pilot project “Ugly but tasty” in February 2017. The main goal of the pilot is to start working on a “farm to fork” approach to food waste related activities in the fruit & vegetable sector. This chain is one of the shortest chains as processing is not part of it, thereby we can relatively easier focus on the full chain from production to consumer.
The main focus of the project is on the lower quality products, where the plan is to test possible channels for both a marketed (sale) and a non-marketed (free redistribution) basis.
The goal of the workshop is to find ways on how to establish, foster and maintain long-lasting transnational cooperation between relevant stakeholders.
A new digital network has been launched to encourage collaboration and bring together expertise from across Europe and beyond in a focussed response to the global issue of food waste. The Community of Experts (CoE) aims to help drive action at every level of the supply chain by empowering individuals, organisations and nations through the sharing of skills, knowledge and resources needed to act against food waste.
Access the online network for experts to share and gain knowledge on food waste reduction, prevention, and valorisation created by REFRESH.
The Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2 Infoweek took place in Brussels 14.-17. November 2017. The week-long event brought together infoday, brokerage, and dissemination with a focus on digitisation and a high-level bioeconomy policy event. REFRESH was presented at the "Bioeconomy Village", and REFRESH researcher Dr. Erica van Herpen gave a presentation on consumer food waste behaviour.
All 26 REFRESH partners gathered to discuss midterm progress in the project and build synergies between work in different parts of REFRESH. The meeting took place in Budapest on 07. and 08. September 2017.
In October 2017 the REFRESH Community of Experts (CoE) will be launched at refreshcoe.eu. The CoE is a digital platform for sharing initiatives and best practice on food waste prevention. Users of the CoE will be able to find and share research and resources, initiate discussions and connect with fellow experts. Food waste experts are invited to share their expertise and resources.
In June 2017 the 2nd meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses & Food Waste, organised by DG Health and Food Safety, was held. REFRESH coordinator Toine Timmermans, together with Kate Bygrave who leads the ‘Framework for Actions’ work package, presented the RFERESH project, its establishment of national frameworks for action, success factors and recent developments within the national platforms of Germany, Hungary, Spain, and the Netherlands.
This one day conference will serve to disseminate successful European Research and Innovation (R&I) initiatives and contribute to the ongoing science-policy dialogue in the area of Food Nutrition and Security.