The REFRESH Spanish Platform has been cooperating with members on food waste reducing actions since 2016. Since then, pilot projects looking at whole supply chains, consumer acceptance studies, and food waste in hospitality have been carried out, alongside baselining and multiple meetings to share good practice and collaborate on open questions.
The international symposium "Food Safety in the EU: Maintaining High Standards and Ensuring Transparency of Information" on food safety, agriculture policy and transparency of information to consumers is hold on January 29, 2019 in Brussels, Belgium.
One of Japan’s top ecofeed experts will join European experts in a panel discussion to weigh the economic, environmental and safety risks of (a) continuing under the current ban on feeding surplus food that contains meat to omnivorous livestock, or (b) adopting legislation that permits the production of pig feed from heat-treated food surplus produced in specialist licensed plants, inspired by the Japanese ecofeed industry.
The Sustainable Food Systems Programme of the UN One Planet network is a multi-stakeholder partnership with the aim to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production patterns in all areas related to food.
The REFRESH Community of Experts (CoE) is a knowledge-sharing platform which seeks to promote best practice, foster discussions and improve stakeholder engagement. The website compiles initiatives in food waste prevention and reduction, which are categorised and tagged for easy user accessibility. At the same time, the website facilitates dialogue and collaboration between stakeholders.
A Tesco áruházaiban és raktáraiban is komoly erőfeszítésekkel küzd az élelmiszer-hulladék csökkentéséért, de a további hatékony lépések érdekében fel kell mérni, hol mekkora mennyiségű felesleg és hulladék keletkezik a működése során. A TESCO élelmiszermentés szorosan kapcsolódik a “Kiszélesíteni a hidat” REFRESH pilot projekthez.
Tesco has been making efforts to reduce food waste in its stores and warehouses. A new report finds that in order to take further effective steps it is necessary to scan and measure where and how much excess food and waste is generated during its operation. The food saving activities of TESCO are closely connected to the REFRESH pilot project “Broadening the bridge”.
The new report "Feeding surplus food to pigs safely" by REFRESH partner Feedback reveals that a change of law could liberate up to 2.5 million tonnes of currently wasted food from the UK’s manufacturing, retail and catering sectors to be fed to pigs.
REFRESH will participate as an exhibitor at the "Sustainable & Circular Bioeconomy, the European way" conference on October 22nd in Brussels, Belgium.
In September 2018, professionals from business, science, non-governmental and international organizations gathered in Beijing for the Food Waste Reduction-Action in China forum to advocate green consumption awareness and reduction in food waste.