There are numerous of tools available which facilitate effective decision making, leading to actions that will prevent and valorise waste. This piece of work identifies the need for a gap analysis of existing guidance and tools, with the aim of helping to inform the development of Decision Support Systems (DSSs) by REFRESH. Outcomes of the work are summarised in this report.
Bis Frühsommer 2018 wurden knapp 900 PENNY-Azubis im Rahmen eines REFRESH-Pilotprojekts zum Thema Reduktion von Lebensmittelverschwendung geschult. Nun wollten der Lebensmittelhändler PENNY und das CSCP wissen: Wieweit ist das Thema bei den Azubis Monate nach der Schulung noch präsent? Hat sich der Aufwand für das Unternehmen gelohnt? Und wäre eine Wiederholung mit neuen Azubis sinnvoll?
By early summer 2018, almost 900 PENNY trainees had been trained on reducing food waste as part of a REFRESH pilot project in Germany. Now the German food retailer PENNY and the CSCP wanted to know: To what extent is the topic still present among the trainees months after the training? Was it worth the effort? And would it make sense to repeat the training with new trainees?
El 11 de diciembre de 2018 se celebró el 4º encuentro de la Plataforma REFRESH española en la sede de CREDA-UPC-IRTA en Barcelona. Teniendo en cuenta que quedan 6 meses para el final del proyecto, se presentaron los resultados más importantes del proyecto a nivel europeo y se hizo una evaluación de la evolución de la plataforma, que desarrolló 30 iniciativas en 2017.
On 11 December 2018 the 4th meeting of the Spanish REFRESH Platform was held at the headquarters of CREDA-UPC-IRTA in Barcelona. Taking into account that there are 6 months left until the end of the project, the most important results of the project at European level were presented and the evolution of the platform, that developed 30 initiatives in 2017, was evaluated.
Der Deutsche REFRESH-Lenkungsausschuss tagte am 8. November 2018 zum siebten Mal. Siebzehn Vertreter verschiedener Unternehmen und Institutionen diskutierten über eigene Aktivitäten, europäische und deutsche politische Entwicklungen und die Zukunft des Steering Committee (SC).
The German REFRESH Steering Committee (SC) met for its seventh meeting on 8 November 2018 in Wuppertal. Seventeen representatives from various companies and institutions discussed own activities, European and German political developments and the future of the committee.
Three REFRESH contributions were presented at the biggest waste management conference in Austria, the ‘Recy & DepoTech’ (recycling and landfill engineering) in Leoben, Austria, November 7-9 2018. More than 500 participants visited the conference well known in the German speaking area, following topics around ‘waste as a resource’ from landfill sanitation to circular economy.
Finicky eating habits and wasteful processes have led to a system that discards millions of tonnes of food each year, but new approaches are salvaging the scraps we never see to make products that people will want to eat. The EU Research & Innovation Magazine HORIZON published an article on how innovations from REFRESH and other projects offer different possibilities to valorise by-products from food production.
From the increasingly-popular OERei™ to Friendly Fish™ sustainable fish food and Bloosom™ soil improver, Protix are processing insects – cultivated on fruit and vegetable residues – into a wide variety of products. "And there are many more applications in the pipeline," says Tarique Arsiwalla, founder of one of the first 'insect factories' in the world and a member of the Taskforce Circular Economy in Food (TCEF). The Taskforce is one of four national platforms launched within the REFRESH project.