The spreadsheet tool FORKLIFT was developed to help stakeholders gain a general understanding of the environmental impacts and costs for selected valorisation routes of a given food processing side flow. The approach enables the user to change different parameters and to try out how these changes affect the life cycle costs and greenhouse gas emissions. This report provides the general methodological background for the tool.
The “Night of the Market” event was organized for the second time, during which, for one night, the Budapest Wholesale Market was open to public. The first anniversary of the cooperation with the Food Bank was also celebrated at the event.
A “Mintha otthon lennénk” pilot project keretei között a rlsztvevők elkészítettek egy útmutatót, amely az azt alkalmazó rendezvényszervezők számára hasznos tanácsokkal szolgál arra, hogy hogyan lehet a rendezvényeket minél kisebb mértékű élelmiszerpazarlással megszervezni.
As part of the "Just Like Home" pilot project, participants prepared a guide that provides useful advice to event organizers who wish to organize the events with the least amount of food waste.
Az élelmiszerhulladék mennyiségének csökkentése volt a témája a Nébih Kerekasztal rendezvénysorozat első eseményének, ahol a forgalmazók és a karitatív szervezetek mellett a hatósági szakemberek és a jogalkotók képviselői is részt vettek.
The subject of the first event organized by the HCSFO (Hungarian Food Chain Safety Office) Round Table was the reduction of the amount of food waste, in which both distributors and charities as well as representatives of public authorities and legislators took part.
2018. februárjában ismét ülésezett az Élelmiszer Érték Fórum Irányító Bizottsága. Az ülésre a Földművelésügyi Minisztériumban került sor, a megbeszélésen az IB valamennyi tagja jelen volt.
In February 2018, the Hungarian National Steering Committee met again. The meeting took place at the Ministry of Agriculture, and all members of the Steering Committee were present at the meeting. The Steering Committee reviewed the projects and the cooperation among the projects coordinated by the Committee.
Public campaigns and other policy instruments can significantly influence consumer behavior and contribute to a reduction of consumer food waste. There are only very few studies that have evaluated to what extent policy interventions actually reduced or prevented food waste. The REFRESH Policy Workshop "Public campaigns and other policy options for behaviour change" discussed the findings of REFRESH work on consumer behaviour and policy recommendations.
The Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI) will host its 1st GHI World Congress on Food Safety and Security in Leiden, The Netherlands on 24 - 28 March 2019.