Vier Jahre gemeinsame Arbeit: Trotz des bevorstehenden offiziellen Endes des EU-Forschungsprojekts REFRESH im Juni 2019 war die Abschlusssitzung der Mitglieder des Deutschen REFRESH-Lenkungsausschusses von einer entspannten, vertrauensvollen Atmosphäre und einem optimistischen Blick in die Zukunft geprägt.
Four years of common work - despite the imminent official end of the EU research project REFRESH in June 2019, the final meeting of the members of the German REFRESH Steering Committee was characterized by a relaxed, trusting atmosphere and an optimistic view into the future.
The China Chain Store & Franchise Association (CCFA) Chain Catering Committee and CCFA China Sustainable Consumption Round-table jointly launched the "Voluntary Action Plan of CCFA Chain Catering Enterprises on Food Waste Reduction Initiative”. The launch event on March 13, 2019 in Shanghai was witnessed and participated by 500 Chinese catering companies, with nearly 1400 people present. This event was supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environmental Programme (UN ENVIRONMENT), NET PLANET NETWORK, the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, and the REFRESH project team.
Bringing together food waste experts from across Europe, the REFRESH Community of Experts (CoE) has launched a series of four webinars on 'Tackling Food Waste Across the Supply Chain'. The series demonstrates how policy makers, manufacturers, retailers, distributors, municipalities and many more organisations involved in the food supply chain can effectively address food waste. This month-long webinar series, hosted from 9 April to 2 May 2019, includes expert speakers from ten institutions. The webinars offer an opportunity to gain insights from case studies, ask questions of the speakers and get signposts to further information.
This REFRESH webinar provided insights into identifying, measuring and collaborating to address food waste in the retail sector. It is part of a series of four webinars on 'Tackling Food Waste Across the Supply Chain', launched by the REFRESH Community of Experts (CoE). The series demonstrates how policy makers, manufacturers, retailers, distributors, municipalities and many more organisations involved in the food supply chain can effectively address food waste.
Public campaigns and other policy instruments can significantly influence consumer behavior and contribute to a reduction of consumer food waste. However, there are only very few studies that have evaluated to what extent policy interventions actually reduced or prevented food waste. The REFRESH Policy brief summarizes REFRESH findings on consumer behaviour as well as related research results and derives policy recommendations to reduce consumer food waste. The policy brief is based on the REFRESH report "Policies against consumer food waste: Policy options for behaviour change including public campaigns".
This report translates the findings of the REFRESH project on consumer behaviour into policy recommendations. It helps national and regional policy makers in designing and improving appropriate interventions against food waste. It focus on policy instruments that aim to reduce consumer food waste including in-home and out-of-home consumption.
This policy brief outlines the relevance of Unfair Trading Practices to understanding addressing food waste in the supply chain and makes recommendations on mitigating Unfair Trading Practices for a fairer and less wasteful supply chain.
The final REFRESH conference that took place on May 10, 2019 in the Disseny Hub Barcelona brought together 150 participants from all across Europe, China, Australia and the US to present and discuss innovative ideas for food waste reduction and valorisation options across the whole supply chain.
The final REFRESH workshop discussed options and recommendations to integrate policies for food waste in the broader contexts of sustainable food systems and the Circular Economy. Building on the results created within the REFRESH project, the workshop brought together policy makers and experts from research, NGOs and businesses to discuss EU policy options that go beyond efforts to reduce food waste and includes other sustainability aspects such as health and social impacts.