The final REFRESH workshop discussed options and recommendations to integrate policies for food waste in the broader contexts of sustainable food systems and the Circular Economy. Building on the results created within the REFRESH project, the workshop brought together policy makers and experts from research, NGOs and businesses to discuss EU policy options that go beyond efforts to reduce food waste and includes other sustainability aspects such as health and social impacts.

In a first sequence of the platform, the findings from previous REFRESH research were presented by Stephanie Wunder from the Ecologic Institute and Hilke Bos-Brouwers from Wageningen University and Research. Then, three interactive consultation sessions took place with a focus on sustainable food systems:

  1. The objective of Session 1: Policy areas constellations exercise was to discuss the different angles of policy areas, and how they relate to the generation and prevention of food wasted through a constellation technique.
  2. The second interactive session (Road mapping for integrated food waste policy) aimed to determine policy interventions responding to the question: "What interventions are needed for more sustainable food systems?" were participants arranged their thoughts based on their Impact to achieve sustainable food system and their Impact to reduce food waste.
  3. Finally, during the third interactive session (From options to actions – Next steps) participants were asked to think of policy interventions answering the following question: "What should the next Commissioner do?", linking the time required for the policy intervention and its potential impact.

The interactive sessions were complemented by two presentations on integrated food systems:

  • A Vision towards a Common Policy from the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food). Chantal Clement presented the final report from IPES, which argues for an “umbrella policy” setting a direction of travel for the whole food system, bringing together the various sectoral policies that affect food production, processing, distribution, and consumption.
  • An integrated perspective on food and food waste in the private sector & among social innovators from the European Institute of Innovation & Technology Food (EIT Food). Barbaros Corekoglu detailed the strategy of EIT to move away from classic supply chain thinking in order to create ecosystems in which people can work together and trust each other.

Documentation from the workshop including the minutes, agenda and presentations (including the concepts of the interactive sessions) are available for download.



  • English


Wageningen University & Research
Ecologic Institute
Deloitte Sustainability