The REFRESH project presented at the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste. The REFRESH Community of Experts was highlighted by EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis
The report provides an overview of the most relevant EU policies and instruments with an impact on food waste generation and/or prevention. It explains the relevance of the different policy areas at EU level and identifies the gaps, overlaps and unintended effects of EU regulation. Finally, it identifies potential opportunities for improvement in each policy area.
A conference in May will present best practices to reduce food waste in Italy and give the opportunity to discuss the impact of Law 166/2016.
The press release on “Report on China Urban Catering Industry Food Waste ” was presented at the discussion seminar on “organizing China food waste reduction alliance” on Mar 24th, 2018. Around 100 representatives joined the event, including UN Environment, UN FAO, China Food Bureau, China Home Electronic Appliance Research Institute (CHEARI), China Chain Store & Franchise Association(CCFA) and other unviersities, foundations, enterprises, and research institutions, alliances and NGOs.
This symposium will provide an invaluable opportunity for industry experts, policy makers, academics, NGOs and other key stakeholders to review the EU strategy on food waste and discuss behavioural, social and technological solutions aimed at promoting improved food waste management. Dr. Hilke Bos-Brouwers, REFRESH coordinator, will be presenting.
The IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute organizes a camp for youth from China to raise young people’s awareness about food waste. The camp includes visits to various locations within the whole food supply chain, covering food production, food transportation, food re-distribution, food consumption (in restaurants and at home) and food treatment.
The first surplus food shelf in the Netherlands opened in March 2018 at George Verberne’s Jumbo supermarket in Wageningen. This store shelf features products made from ingredients which would otherwise have been wasted. As part of REFRESH, Wageningen University & Research is using this living lab for research into the consumer acceptance of such surplus products.
SoScience and Diana Group invite participants to join in the fifth edition of the program “The Future Of” on June 14th, 2018 at the IRD’s innovation campus for the planet (near Paris). This international and free conference focuses on the valorization of fruit and vegetable waste.
The fourth NLWA Waste Prevention Exchange will focus on food waste prevention and examine different approaches and how to secure long term behaviour change. REFRESH scientific coordinator Hilke Bos-Brouwers (Wageningen University & Research) will give a kenote on "Food waste - towards half as much: Initiatives & programmes that encourage public participation"
On 19 March 2018, the concluding conference of the BMBF-funded research project REFOWAS (Ways to REduce FOod WAste) will take place in Berlin.