The concluding conference of the joint project "Development, Testing and Dissemination of Concepts for Sustainable Production and Consumption in Out-of-House Gastronomy" - NAHGAST is taking place in Berlin from 21 - 23 February 2018.
REFRESH researcher Lisanne van Geffen won The Science Battle against other researchers on the event: The Future of Waste – de kracht van kringlopen, 12th of October 2017 in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
REFRESH researcher Lisanne van Geffen presented project findings on consumer behaviour at the International Conference on Environmental Psychology.
Am 19. März 2018 findet die Abschlusskonferenz des BMBF geförderten Forschungsprojektes REFOWAS (Wege zur Reduzierung von Lebensmittelabfällen) in Berlin statt.
Die Abschlusstagung des Verbundvorhabens Entwicklung, Erprobung und Verbreitung von Konzepten zum nachhaltigen Produzieren und Konsumieren in der Außer-Haus-Gastronomie – NAHGAST findet vom 21 bis 23 Februar 2018 in Berlin statt.
A Sino-Nordic Seminar on Sustainable Food Systems and Food Waste was held on January 13-14, 2018, in Shanghai, China. Over 40 active researchers and stakeholders from the Nordic countries and China in the field of sustainable food systems and food waste shared experience and discussed potential directions of collaboration.
This report presents insights about in-home food waste, including: the amounts wasted, household’s food prevention practices, and the influence of motivation, abilities, and opportunities on household food waste. It is based on a large-scale consumer survey in Germany, the Netherlands, Hungary, and Spain.
This report identifies drivers of food waste across the supply chain in five food categories: bread, dairy, potatoes/tomatoes, prepared meals (sandwiches), and processed meat/poultry. These drivers were linked with the main waste streams they generate.
The progress of the Refresh project and the latest initiatives of the members of the Platform were presented, the next steps to be followed in the coming months were also discussed. We enjoyed both an interesting and entertaining program.
How can we influence consumers to waste less food? Erica van Herpen talked about strategies to diminish household food waste. She argues that campaigns that emphasize the amount of food that goes to waste may backfire, and emphasizes the importance of social norms.