In October 2017 the REFRESH Community of Experts (CoE) will be launched at The CoE is a digital platform for sharing initiatives and best practice on food waste prevention. Users of the CoE will be able to find and share research and resources, initiate discussions and connect with fellow experts. Food waste experts are invited to share their expertise and resources.
The contest, "Sustainable Development and Our Food – Reducing Food Waste: China Youth Environmental Protection Originality Contest", took place in China. Nearly a thousand innovative works by Chinese pupils reached the organizing committee, varying in forms like videos, paintings, photos, articles, etc. Ten works each were appraised and selected from primary schools and secondary schools.
In June 2017 the 2nd meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses & Food Waste, organised by DG Health and Food Safety, was held. REFRESH coordinator Toine Timmermans, together with Kate Bygrave who leads the ‘Framework for Actions’ work package, presented the RFERESH project, its establishment of national frameworks for action, success factors and recent developments within the national platforms of Germany, Hungary, Spain, and the Netherlands.
This one day conference will serve to disseminate successful European Research and Innovation (R&I) initiatives and contribute to the ongoing science-policy dialogue in the area of Food Nutrition and Security.
Total Food 2017, held in Norwich from 31 October to 2 November, attracted a mix of industrialists and academics from across the world and discussed food waste at all levels of the food use hierarchy. The event featured a number of plenary lectures from REFRESH partners and was organized by the Quadram Institute Bioscience.
From 18 to 20 August 2017 the foodsharing festival will take place in Berlin. Enjoy a weekend full of energy, fun and engagement around the topic of foodsharing.
2017. júliusában hárm hétig várjuk a válaszokat a REFRESH kérdőívére. A felmérés a REFRESH projekt négy tesztországában zajlik: Hollandiában, Németországban, Magyarországon és Spanyolországban. A fogyasztókat arra kérjük, hogy töltsék ki az élelmiszerekről szóló kutatás tízperces kérdőívét.
In een periode van 3 weken in juli 2017 nodigt het REFRESH onderzoeksteam respondenten uit voor een grootschalig consumentenonderzoek. De enquete richt zich op de 4 REFRESH pilot landen, namelijk Nederlands, Duitsland, Spanje en Hongarije. Aan consumenten wordt gevraagd om een 10-minuten durende enqute in te vullen over diverse drink- en etenswaren.
Im Juli 2017 lädt das EU REFRESH Projekt für einen Zeitraum von 3 Wochen zur Teilnahme an einer VerbraucherInnenumfrage ein. Ziel ist es verschiedene Informationen, die auf Lebensmittel- und Getränkeverpackungen zu finden sind und deren Effekte auf Konsumverhalten zu untersuchen. Die Umfrage konzentriert sich auf die vier REFRESH-Pilotländer: Niederlande, Deutschland, Spanien und Ungarn.
Durante las próximas tres semanas de julio, REFRESH estará recopilando respuestas a una encuesta a consumidores. El objetivo es estudiar los diferentes formatos de información encontrados en los productos alimenticios, y los efectos que tienen en el comportamiento del consumidor. La encuesta se centra en los cuatro países piloto de REFRESH: Países Bajos, Alemania, España y Hungría.