The report presents the results from a qualitative research into household food waste in Hungary, Germany, Spain and The Netherlands. In each of the individual countries, six focus groups are conducted. This report presents the most striking similarities and differences between the countries and the analysis per country. It shows that awareness and motivation regarding food waste are present and on the rise in all countries but to different degrees and with different contingencies, depending on socio-cultural and socio-economic factors.
Over 100 professionals from government, the business community, science institutions, non-governmental organizations and international organizations gathered in Beijing on November 26th 2016 to launch REFRESH in China and promote the knowledge-sharing initiative for the global measurement and reduction of food loss and waste.
The European Commission has established a Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste, bringing together Member State experts, EU & international bodies and all actors across the food value chain including NGOs. The Platform will give support to define the measures needed to achieve SDG 12.3 by facilitating inter-sector co-operation, sharing best practices and results, and evaluating progress made over time.
The REFRESH team presented a poster on assessing life cycle impacts of food waste at the Recy&DepoTech conference last week in Leoben, Austria. This bi-annual conference is one of the most important waste conferences in German-speaking areas and had more than 500 participants. The conference equally addresses researchers and practitioners.
As part of a series of events for the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) hosted by Berlin food waste start-up MealSaver, REFRESH researcher Keighley McFarland will present the REFRESH project and the REFRESH Food Waste Solution Contest.
As part of the 2016-17 School of Agriculture & Food Science Research Seminar Series, Dr Matteo Vittuari, Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy, will present a seminar entitled "Addressing Food Waste in the EU: Reduction Practices and Policies". The seminar is open to the public and takes place in room G-08, Agriculture & Food Science Centre, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, from 1-2pm. Attendance is free, but registration is necessary. The seminar is scheduled for the November 16.
Consumer food waste is not the consequence of discarding waste, but of the accumulation of behaviours performed earlier in time. This report describes and interlinks the behaviours leading to waste and the factors influencing them. This report has integrated prior research into one theoretical framework in which the focus lies on the motivation, the abilities and the opportunities of consumers to prevent food waste while managing their household.
Food Matters Live is a cross-sector event for the food and drink industry, retailers, foodservice providers, government and people in the nutrition field, to enable collaboration and innovation to support a sustainable food landscape for the future.
CommBeBiz is holding its second annual meeting in London, UK. Funded by the EU, this two-days-meeting is designed to challenge, support and inform researchers on their quest to innovate in the commercial, social and policy arenas.
The REFRESH Food Waste Solution Contest wanted to bring much-deserved recognition to innovative solutions to the problem of food waste and encourage their spread. Anyone from Europe that has developed a food waste innovation – including individuals, organisations, start-ups and large companies – was encouraged to submit a video or visual essay about their project. Find all information about the contest here: