REFRESH is currently conducting qualitative studies to improve the understanding of consumer behaviour and food waste. Therefore, over 20 of 24 focus groups have taken place in Spain, Germany, Hungary and the Netherlands. In each country, a total of 6 focus groups will be conducted to discuss motivations, backgrounds and situations when people throw away foods, characteristics of the perfect non–waster both at home and out of home, as well as a ranking of different products and situations on acceptability of throwing away food.
15th March 2016 marked the launch of Courtauld 2025 – a world–leading voluntary agreement to work along the entire food chain to reduce the environmental impact of UK food and drink, from farm to fork and beyond. Over 100 signatories including all major UK food retailers, brands, food service companies, trade bodies and local authorities have already signed up.
El 2 de marzo 2016 ha tenido lugar la primera reunión para la conformación de la Plataforma de Acción en España del proyecto EU REFRESH. Agentes interesados en la reducción del desperdicio alimentario a nivel nacional han conocido el objetivo del proyecto y han aportado su visión sobre esta problemática que despierta cada vez mayor interés.
On March 2, 2016, the first REFRESH meeting to develop a Framework for Action for reducing food waste in Spain took place in Barcelona. Stakeholders interested in tackling food waste at national level got together to share their visions about the problem and potential solutions. The meeting developed the basis for future collaborative work within the Pilot Working Platform.
Securing global food supplies in an era of urbanisation is one of the challenges facing mankind. It is also a challenge for agricultural policy-makers. Modern, sustainable agriculture, vibrant rural areas and cooperative partnerships with rural and urban development going hand in hand are some of the important prerequisites for meeting this challenge. What we need are overarching policies that regard urban and rural structural change as an interconnected process. Agricultural policy – in cooperation with other policy areas – must take this into account.
Under the Salima Trade Fair banner, BVV hosts four international food fairs, each one designed specifically for the right customer within the sector. Salima brings together food producers and food technology with MBK Bakery (milling and confectionery), INTECO (the essential fair for hoteliers and the hospitality trade). These three fairs run concurrently to spotlight the Central European food and food technology sectors to buyers worldwide.
World Food Day is a day of action against hunger. Annually on October 16, people around the world come together to declare their commitment to eradicate hunger in our lifetime. Food security and sustainability are important topics on World Food Day. Events are held at all levels across the world.
The European Week for Waste Reduction is an initiative aiming to promote the implementation of awareness-raising actions about sustainable resource and waste management during a single week. It encourages a wide range of audiences (public authorities, private companies, civil society as well as citizens themselves) to get involved.
Food waste is an issue of importance to global food security and good environmental governance, directly linked with all aspects of sustainability (e.g. availability of resources, increasing costs and health). There is a pressing need to prevent food waste to make the transition to a resource efficient Europe.
On Monday January 25th and Tuesday January 26th 2016, the government of the Netherlands will host a circular economy conference, "Unwrapping the Package - towards a Circular Economy in Europe," in light of the forthcoming Commission's proposal for a circular economy. The objective of the event is to discuss challenges and opportunities for a circular economy in Europe.