In June 2017 the 2nd meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses & Food Waste, organised by DG Health and Food Safety, was held. REFRESH coordinator Toine Timmermans, together with Kate Bygrave who leads the ‘Framework for Actions’ work package, presented the RFERESH project, its establishment of national frameworks for action, success factors and recent developments within the national platforms of Germany, Hungary, Spain, and the Netherlands.

This brochure describes the interim results of the REFRESH (Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain) project through May 2017. REFRESH’s research into the behaviours, economics, and relationships that lead to food waste will inform future recommendations into efficient and versatile solutions to food waste at all levels of its production.

The REFRESH Food Waste 2017 Multi-stakeholder Conference took place on the 18th of May at the Umweltforum in Berlin, Germany. The Conference brought together leaders in food waste prevention, reduction and valorisation. REFRESH partners presented the latest results and ongoing work of the REFRESH Project. Documentation of the conference including proceedings and presentations are available for download.

El partner español de REFRESH, CREDA-UPC-IRTA, está trabajando con WRAP y con actores nacionales clave para abordar el desperdicio alimentario en Cataluña y España.

A recent article in the Spanish "digitalmagazine" analyzes the complexity of the causes and solutions to food waste in Europe. Spanish Refresh partner, CREDA-UPC-IRTA, is working with WRAP as wells as key national actors to tackle food waste in Catalonia and Spain. 

The multistakeholder conference "REFRESH Food Waste 2017" took place in May 2017 in Berlin (Germany). It brought together leaders in food waste prevention, reduction and valorisation and featured keynote addresses by Dr. Maria Flachsbarth and Vytenis Andriukaitis.

REFRESH partners presented the latest project results and ongoing work. The winners of the REFRESH Food Waste Solution Contest presented their projects. The Conference also featured an innovator fair, two art installations, an improvisational theatre performance, two real-live pigs, and a "Disco Chop" evening.

This report records the progress of four European countries (Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain) in the establishment of Frameworks for Action to tackle food waste along the whole supply chain.  

A principios de 2017 se ha realizado la primera fase del proyecto piloto “Gastrofira”, consistente en una cuantificación del desperdicio alimentario generado en el servicio de catering de la Feria de Barcelona durante la celebración de una importante feria internacional. Para tener una visión global, se ha tenido en cuenta tanto el desperdicio generado en cocina como el generado por los comensales. Esta primera cuantificación servirá de línea base para medir el impacto positivo de ciertas intervenciones que se realizarán en próximas ferias.

In early 2017 the first actIvity of the pilot project "Gastrofira" has been completed. Food waste generated by the catering service of Feria de Barcelona (trade fair organisation) was quantified during an international event. Food waste data from kitchen and dining room has been gathered in order to establish a baseline for upcoming events’ reduction interventions.

The Sustainable Foods Summit explores new horizons for sustainability and eco-labels, such as Organic, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, etc, in the food industry by discussing key industry issues.


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