This report identifies drivers of food waste across the supply chain in five food categories: bread, dairy, potatoes/tomatoes, prepared meals (sandwiches), and processed meat/poultry. These drivers were linked with the main waste streams they generate. 

The progress of the Refresh project and the latest initiatives of the members of the Platform were presented, the next steps to be followed in the coming months were also discussed. We enjoyed both an interesting and entertaining program. 

A Tesco Európa közzétette a 2016/2017-es pénzügyi évre vonatkozó jelentését a működése során keletkező élelmiszer-felesleg és -hulladék mennyiségéről. Az áruházlánc a szektor képviselői közül a Közép-Európai régióban elsőként publikált ilyen adatokat, mert meggyőződése, hogy az átláthatóság és a mérés nélkülözhetetlen ahhoz, hogy még hatékonyabb lépéseket tegyen a pazarlás visszaszorítása érdekében.

Tesco Europe has published its report on the amount of food surplus and waste generated during its operation for the financial year 2016/2017. The chain stores has published such data first from the sector representatives in the Central European region, for it is convinced that transparency and measurement are indispensable to taking even more effective steps to reduce waste.

A new digital network has been launched to encourage collaboration and bring together expertise from across Europe and beyond in a focussed response to the global issue of food waste. The Community of Experts (CoE) aims to help drive action at every level of the supply chain by empowering individuals, organisations and nations through the sharing of skills, knowledge and resources needed to act against food waste.

The report presents a summary of the first official food waste monitoring in Flanders at chain level and for each step in the agri-food chain. It also explains the framework, objective and approach of the monitoring. 

In September 2017 the Life Cycle Management Conference was held in Luxembourg. REFRESH partner BOKU chaired and contributed to the Food Waste session, which was visited by his royal highness Prince Louis.

All 26 REFRESH partners gathered to discuss midterm progress in the project and build synergies between work in different parts of REFRESH. The meeting took place in Budapest on 07. and 08. September 2017.

The EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste will hold its second meeting of 2017 on 07. November in Brussels. Participation is limited to members of the Platform.

In October 2017 the REFRESH Community of Experts (CoE) will be launched at The CoE is a digital platform for sharing initiatives and best practice on food waste prevention. Users of the CoE will be able to find and share research and resources, initiate discussions and connect with fellow experts. Food waste experts are invited to share their expertise and resources.


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