This study shows which survey questions appear suitable to measure food waste in large surveys, and which can best be avoided. It also provides insights in new measurement methods for smaller samples.
A new London-wide behaviour change initiative by REFRESH Partner WRAP along with LWARB and Groundwork London could save Londoners £330m, reduce avoidable food waste in the capital and increase awareness of more healthy and sustainable eating.
Példaértékű összefogásra készülnek a magyar élelmiszeripar kulcsszereplői az élelmiszerpazarlás és az éhezés ellen. Március 22-én a titkársági feladatokat is ellátó Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület szervezésében lezajlott a program hazai megvalósításáért felelős Élelmiszerérték Fórum Irányító Bizottságának első ülése. A találkozó során a megjelentek megerősítették elkötelezettségüket az ügy iránt, valamint meghatározták a főbb irányvonalakat. A kerekasztal-megbeszélésnek a Földművelésügyi Minisztérium adott otthont.
Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain" (REFRESH) is an EU research project taking action against food waste. Ecologic Institute is one of 26 REFRESH partners from 12 European countries and China. They work towards the project's goal to contribute towards Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 of halving per capita food waste at the retail and consumer level and reducing food losses along production and supply chains, reducing waste management costs, and maximizing the value from unavoidable food waste and packaging materials.
At this conference, national and international representatives of governments, science, civil society and businesses are invited to discuss in plenaries and dialogue forums and to contribute ideas and approaches to move forward with SDG implementation in Germany and internationally. The conference will focus on partnerships and the need to sustainably manage natural resources and change consumption and production patterns. The conference features a dialogue forum on food waste.
Representatives from key organizations of the food sector attended the first REFRESH Pilot Working Platform Steering Committee meeting in Budapest on March 22, 2016. The event was hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and organized by the Hungarian Food Bank Association. Participants confirmed their commitment towards more efficiently using food and fighting against hunger.
The EU-FUSIONs Project will hold its final project conference. The event will bring together members from its extensive stakeholder platform of over 200 Members including leading organizations and experts on food waste prevention and innovation across Europe.
REFRESH is currently conducting qualitative studies to improve the understanding of consumer behaviour and food waste. Therefore, over 20 of 24 focus groups have taken place in Spain, Germany, Hungary and the Netherlands. In each country, a total of 6 focus groups will be conducted to discuss motivations, backgrounds and situations when people throw away foods, characteristics of the perfect non–waster both at home and out of home, as well as a ranking of different products and situations on acceptability of throwing away food.
15th March 2016 marked the launch of Courtauld 2025 – a world–leading voluntary agreement to work along the entire food chain to reduce the environmental impact of UK food and drink, from farm to fork and beyond. Over 100 signatories including all major UK food retailers, brands, food service companies, trade bodies and local authorities have already signed up.