The Swedish Collaboration Group for Reduced Food Waste (SaMMa) is an open forum for Swedish actors interested in food waste. The meeting on October 25 was attended by 33 participants representing, industry, retail, NGO, Academy and consultants and policy bodies as well as several social entrepreneurs.
The REFRESH Food Waste Solution Contest wanted to bring much-deserved recognition to innovative solutions to the problem of food waste and encourage their spread. Anyone from Europe that has developed a food waste innovation – including individuals, organisations, start-ups and large companies – was encouraged to submit a video or visual essay about their project. Find all information about the contest here:
The Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Consumer Protection in Luxembourg launches a campaign raising awareness about food waste. Therefore, a multilingual conference welcomes global experts on this topic in Luxembourg.
The Consumer Goods Forum presents a two-day event on Sustainable Retail Summit from 27th to 28th of October 2016 in Paris.
Quantifying and understanding inconsistency in the generation of consumer food waste is particularly important, to target intervention strategies where they are most efficient. This report analyses two of the largest available datasets to define consumer behavioural typologies and develop a systems map to illustrate potential links between consumer behaviour and the creation/reduction of food waste.
REFRESH, a European project on food waste, has launched its Food Waste Solution Contest and is looking for the freshest ideas to tackle food waste across Europe. The contest aims to highlight and support solutions to food waste and food packaging waste at any part(s) of the food chain.
Finding out how to prevent in-home food waste requires insights into consumer behaviours, opinions, and day-to-day lives. To gain this knowledge, REFRESH organised twenty-four focus group discussions, six each in Germany, Hungary, Spain and The Netherlands. The focus groups delivered a variety of striking findings.
The EU launched the Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste (FLW) that aims to support the EU and its Member States in contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 12.3 to halve per capita food waste at the retail and consumer level by 2030, and reduce food losses along the food production and supply chain.
Los días 7 y 8 de Septiembre 2016 tuvo lugar en la sede de CREDA-UPC-IRTA, en la ESAB de Castelldefels, España, el segundo encuentro europeo del proyecto EU REFRESH, con el objetivo de discutir el progreso del proyecto y definir conjuntamente futuras acciones contra el desperdicio alimentario.
On the 7th and 8th of September 2016 the second meeting of the partners of the EU REFRESH project took place at the headquarters of CREDA-UPC-IRTA in Barcelona. The aim of the meeting was to examine the project's progress and jointly define future actions against food waste. In line with REFRESH objectives and values, catering services were provided by the social enterprise Espigoladors that demonstrated in a delicious way that it is possible to be sustainable.