A new London-wide behaviour change initiative by REFRESH Partner WRAP along with LWARB and Groundwork London could save Londoners £330m, reduce avoidable food waste in the capital and increase awareness of more healthy and sustainable eating.


TRiFOCAL London – Transforming City FOod hAbits for Life, is the latest initiative to be led by Resource London - the partnership between WRAP and LWARB - together with Groundwork London. The project is funded by the European Commission. which will be a test bed for other European cities. The project

The project will link up messages on how Londoners can reduce the amount of food they waste with messages on how they can recycle the food waste that couldn’t be avoided, whilst also integrating messages about healthy sustainable eating. The initiative will also develop a ‘food waste behavioural change resource bank’, which can be used to help other European cities replicate the achievements of London. 

You can read more about the project at http://www.wrap.org.uk/TRiFOCAL_PR

If you are interested in being involved or receiving updates on the project, please contact TRiFOCAL@wrap.org.uk


