On World Food Day, 16 October 2017, Toine Timmermans, Program Manager Circular Economy in Food at Wageningen University & Research, and Coordinator of the EU projects FUSIONS and REFRESH, presented at the event Harnessing Research and Innovation for FOOD 2030 in Brussels.
A projekt célja, hogy az élelmiszerfeleslegek szétosztásának teljes költségét modellezze, amely az „újraelosztási ellátási lánc” működtetéséhez szükséges (ide értve az élelmiszerbankok és fogadó szervezetek költségeit), kiszámítsa egy, a rendszerbe történő beruházás lehetséges megtérülését, és potenciális finanszírozási forrásokat kutasson fel, különös tekintettel a szociális ellátórendszer meglévő (és nem 100%-osan kihasznált) kapacitásaira és forrásaira, valamint az EU Segélyprogramja által kínált lehetőségekre.
The Hungarian Pilot Working Platform has initiated and started executing a new pilot project in May 2017. The goal of the project “Broadening the bridge” is to model the total cost of redistribution within the “redistribution supply chain” including food banks and redistribution partner organisations, calculate the potential return on investment in case of additional funding and look at possible funding sources, especially concentrating the existing resources in the social care system such as using the existing (and maybe not 100% used) capacities and potential funding sources such as the EU FEAD program.
A new digital network has been launched to encourage collaboration and bring together expertise from across Europe and beyond in a focussed response to the global issue of food waste. The Community of Experts (CoE) aims to help drive action at every level of the supply chain by empowering individuals, organisations and nations through the sharing of skills, knowledge and resources needed to act against food waste.
The report presents a summary of the first official food waste monitoring in Flanders at chain level and for each step in the agri-food chain. It also explains the framework, objective and approach of the monitoring.
The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) 2017 will take place from 18 to 26 November, with awareness-creating actions about sustainable resource and waste management taking place all over Europe. In the spotlight of the EWWR is to raise awareness about how to reduse waste, how to reuse products and recycle materials.
The Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2 Infoweek took place in Brussels 14.-17. November 2017. The week-long event brought together infoday, brokerage, and dissemination with a focus on digitisation and a high-level bioeconomy policy event. REFRESH was presented at the "Bioeconomy Village", and REFRESH researcher Dr. Erica van Herpen gave a presentation on consumer food waste behaviour.
All 26 REFRESH partners gathered to discuss midterm progress in the project and build synergies between work in different parts of REFRESH. The meeting took place in Budapest on 07. and 08. September 2017.
This workshop presented and discussed preliminary findings on opportunities for improving EU policies relevant to food waste prevention and valorisation and explored short- and long-term strategies with stakeholders. It was directed at policymakers and high-level experts in food waste from business, research, and civil society.
The EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste will hold its second meeting of 2017 on 07. November in Brussels. Participation is limited to members of the Platform.