This peer-reviewed paper finds that consumer food waste is influenced by country, age, student status, and belief that the family wastes too much, and suggests how policy interventions can be designed to target these drivers.
The goal of EU Food and Farming Forum (EU3F) is to co-construct a set of
policy proposals addressed to the EU for a comprehensive ‘Common Food Policy’. The Forum will provide a platform to collectively identify and agree on priorities for sustainable food systems reforms, bringing greater coherence between policy areas and policy levels.
The next FOOD 2030 high-level event will be held under the Bulgarian Presidency in Plovdiv on 14-15 June 2018. The event will focus on the research policy agenda for sustainable food systems. REFRESH will present at a stand at the Food Village.
On the 28th of November 2017, EU commissioner Andriukaitis (Health and Food Safety) and Minister Schouten (Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, NL) visited the ‘Food Waste Factory’ in Veghel, located in THREE SIXTY, the heart of the Dutch ecosystem for circular economy in food. They met with the Dutch frontrunners on food waste prevention.
This report identifies drivers of food waste across the supply chain in five food categories: bread, dairy, potatoes/tomatoes, prepared meals (sandwiches), and processed meat/poultry. These drivers were linked with the main waste streams they generate.
The progress of the Refresh project and the latest initiatives of the members of the Platform were presented, the next steps to be followed in the coming months were also discussed. We enjoyed both an interesting and entertaining program.
How can we influence consumers to waste less food? Erica van Herpen talked about strategies to diminish household food waste. She argues that campaigns that emphasize the amount of food that goes to waste may backfire, and emphasizes the importance of social norms.
The paper published in the Journal of Cleaner Production analyses consumer food waste behaviour by means of a model that brings together food-related and waste management variables. covers EU efforts to combat food waste, and mentions the REFRESH project and the newly launched Community of Experts (CoE)