This is a recording of the REFRESH webinar that took place on 29 April 2019. This REFRESH webinar provided insights into drivers and interventions to tackle food waste at home. What drives food waste in the home? What are the household practices that contribute to it? How can we most effectively design policy interventions and evaluate impacts to prevent it?
This is a recording of the REFRESH webinar that took place on 10 April 2019. This REFRESH webinar provided insights into a collaborative approach to reduce food waste along the whole supply chain. What causes food waste in the supply chain and how can voluntary agreements address this? What is the role for voluntary agreements vs legislation? What can we learn from voluntary agreements implemented in Europe?
Az önkéntes platformok jó megoldásnak bizonyulnak az élelmiszerpazarlás visszaszorítására. A közös cél érdekében tett együttes erőfeszítések által a résztvevő szervezetek hatékonyabban tudnak együttműködni és hatást elérni. A REFRESH nemzeti programjainak és a WRAP Egyesült Királyságban létrehozott Courtauld 2025 programjának gyakorlati tapasztalatai tartalmazó útmutató tartalmazza az önkéntes platformok létrehozásához szükséges lépéseket.
El acuerdo voluntario es un método cuya efectividad está probada para reducir el desperdicio alimentario. Mediante el trabajo conjunto para la consecución de objetivos comunes, las organizaciones pueden colaborar y generar cambios de una forma más efectiva y eficiente. A través de ejemplos prácticos que forman parte de los programas nacionales de REFRESH, así como el exitoso proyecto WRAP de Inglaterra, incluyendo el acuerdo Courtauld 2025, esta guía establece los pasos necesarios para el diseño de acuerdos voluntarios exitosos.
Vrijwillige Samenwerkingsverbanden werpen hun vruchten af om voedselverspilling te voorkomen. Door samenwerking kunnen gezamenlijke doelen worden bereikt, worden bedrijven geprikkeld tot samenwerking en kan verandering op een zo efficiënt en effectief mogelijke manier worden bereikt. REFRESH heeft op basis van de eigen succesvolle implementatie van 5 nationale vrijwillige samenwerkingsverbanden in Nederland, Duitsland, Spanje, Hongarije en China, en het Britse voorbeeld van "Courtauld 2025", een blauwdruk voor succes opgesteld.
Eine freiwillige Vereinbarung ist eine bewährte Methode zur Bekämpfung von Lebensmittelabfällen. Durch die Zusammenarbeit zur Erreichung gemeinsamer Ziele können Unternehmen auf die effizienteste und effektivste Weise Veränderungen bewirken. Anhand praktischer Beispiele aus den nationalen REFRESH-Programmen sowie des Erfolgs von WRAP in Großbritannien u.a. mit Courtauld 2025, beschreibt dieser Leitfaden die notwendigen Schritte für den Abschluss erfolgreicher freiwilliger Vereinbarungen.
A voluntary agreement is a proven method for tackling food waste. By working together to achieve collective goals, organisations can collaborate and deliver change in the most efficient, effective way. Using practical examples from the REFRESH national programs, as well as WRAP’s UK success including Courtauld 2025, this guide outlines the steps necessary for building successful voluntary agreements.
Bringing together food waste experts from across Europe, the REFRESH Community of Experts (CoE) has launched a series of four webinars on 'Tackling Food Waste Across the Supply Chain'. The series demonstrates how policy makers, manufacturers, retailers, distributors, municipalities and many more organisations involved in the food supply chain can effectively address food waste. This month-long webinar series, hosted from 9 April to 2 May 2019, includes expert speakers from ten institutions. The webinars offer an opportunity to gain insights from case studies, ask questions of the speakers and get signposts to further information.
This REFRESH webinar provided insights into drivers and interventions to tackle food waste at home. It is part of a series of four webinars on 'Tackling Food Waste Across the Supply Chain', launched by the REFRESH Community of Experts (CoE). The series demonstrates how policy makers, manufacturers, retailers, distributors, municipalities and many more organisations involved in the food supply chain can effectively address food waste.
This REFRESH webinar provided insights into a collaborative approach to reduce food waste along the whole supply chain. It is part of a series of four webinars on 'Tackling Food Waste Across the Supply Chain', launched by the REFRESH Community of Experts (CoE). The series demonstrates how policy makers, manufacturers, retailers, distributors, municipalities and many more organisations involved in the food supply chain can effectively address food waste.