The Nordic Council of Ministers for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Agriculture, Food and Forestry and the Norwegian Chairmanship of 2017 are inviting to a conference on April 27 2017.

Con la firma del Marco de Acción, los firmantes se implican en un acuerdo no vinculante para contribuir a reducir el desperdicio de alimentos en las áreas que consideren más relevantes de la cadena alimentaria. El Marco de Acción tiene como objetivo contribuir a alcanzar el objetivo 12.3 de los ODS de reducir a la mitad los residuos de alimentos per cápita para el año 20301.

With the signing of the Framework for Action, the Spanish signatories commit to a nonbinding agreement to contribute to reduce food waste in the areas most relevant to them in the food chain. Through the Framework for Action it is aimed to make a contribution to achieving the SDG’s target 12.3 by halving the per capita food waste by 2030.

A principios de 2017 se ha realizado la primera fase del proyecto piloto “Gastrofira”, consistente en una cuantificación del desperdicio alimentario generado en el servicio de catering de la Feria de Barcelona durante la celebración de una importante feria internacional. Para tener una visión global, se ha tenido en cuenta tanto el desperdicio generado en cocina como el generado por los comensales. Esta primera cuantificación servirá de línea base para medir el impacto positivo de ciertas intervenciones que se realizarán en próximas ferias.

A fecha de Febrero de 2017, las 16 organizaciones participantes en la Plataforma REFRESH española ya han firmado el Marco de Acción que regirá su compromiso de lucha contra el desperdicio alimentario durante los próximos 2 años.

In early 2017 the first actIvity of the pilot project "Gastrofira" has been completed. Food waste generated by the catering service of Feria de Barcelona (trade fair organisation) was quantified during an international event. Food waste data from kitchen and dining room has been gathered in order to establish a baseline for upcoming events’ reduction interventions.

February 2017, 16 organizations signed the Spanish REFRESH Platform Framework for Action showing their commitment to fight against food waste over the next 2 years.

Since its last “Steering Committee” meeting on 6 October 2016 the German Pilot Working Platform (PWP) started to take action. Member companies initiated individual baseline activities with first insights expected in April 2017. Furthermore, the PWP discussed the priority areas for Germany and how these could be addressed through targeted interventions.

The Sustainable Foods Summit explores new horizons for sustainability and eco-labels, such as Organic, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, etc, in the food industry by discussing key industry issues.

Food waste quantification is challenging, but two recently published sets of guidelines will help entities (governments, businesses, research organisations) that are seeking to measure food waste. This report demonstrates how to use both sets of guidelines to quantify and measure food waste.


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