In September 2018, professionals from business, science, non-governmental and international organizations gathered in Beijing for the Food Waste Reduction-Action in China forum to advocate green consumption awareness and reduction in food waste.
The spreadsheet tool FORKLIFT was developed to help stakeholders gain a general understanding of the environmental impacts and costs for selected valorisation routes of a given food processing side flow. The approach enables the user to change different parameters and to try out how these changes affect the life cycle costs and greenhouse gas emissions. This report provides the general methodological background for the tool.
The model architecture described in this deliverable provides the framework through which data and simulations from the data on food waste at a consumer level and at a retail level can be integrated into simulation models. This report highlights the technical approaches followed to achieve model integration.
The Congress FOOD 2030: Towards sustainable agri-food systems will be held on 5-6 September 2018, as one of the major events to mark the 200th anniversary of the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart. It will bring together experts, researchers and stakeholders from various disciplines with diverse experiences related to food systems. The congress’ aim is to raise awareness and openly discuss the European policy process of FOOD 2030 at the national level.
This brochure describes the interim results of the REFRESH (Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain) project through May 2018. REFRESH’s research into the behaviours, economics, and relationships that lead to food waste will inform future recommendations for efficient and versatile solutions to food waste at all levels of production.
REFRESH researcher Karen Luyckx featured on BBC1’s Countryfile, 30th Anniversary edition, arguing the case for lifting the ban on feeding surplus food to pigs, and how this can be done safely to avoid another outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease.
A conference in May will present best practices to reduce food waste in Italy and give the opportunity to discuss the impact of Law 166/2016.
This symposium will provide an invaluable opportunity for industry experts, policy makers, academics, NGOs and other key stakeholders to review the EU strategy on food waste and discuss behavioural, social and technological solutions aimed at promoting improved food waste management. Dr. Hilke Bos-Brouwers, REFRESH coordinator, will be presenting.
The IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute organizes a camp for youth from China to raise young people’s awareness about food waste. The camp includes visits to various locations within the whole food supply chain, covering food production, food transportation, food re-distribution, food consumption (in restaurants and at home) and food treatment.
On 19 March 2018, the concluding conference of the BMBF-funded research project REFOWAS (Ways to REduce FOod WAste) will take place in Berlin.