On May 9th, one day before the REFRESH final conference 2019 that was organized in cooperation with the Barcelona Design Centre, four on hands experience were offered, featuring food waste innovators from business and civil society in the Barcelona area. One of these was a guided walking tour on food waste reduction at “Mercabarna”, the Mediterranean's biggest food hub, organized by Mercabarna Food Hub.
The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra hosts the 3rd World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF 2019) in Helsinki, Finland on 3-5 June 2019. The WCEF2019 will bring together around 2,000 key circular economy thinkers and doers from around the world.
The World Food Day is celebrated each year on 16 October to promote worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure food security and nutritious diets for all.
Az önkéntes platformok jó megoldásnak bizonyulnak az élelmiszerpazarlás visszaszorítására. A közös cél érdekében tett együttes erőfeszítések által a résztvevő szervezetek hatékonyabban tudnak együttműködni és hatást elérni. A REFRESH nemzeti programjainak és a WRAP Egyesült Királyságban létrehozott Courtauld 2025 programjának gyakorlati tapasztalatai tartalmazó útmutató tartalmazza az önkéntes platformok létrehozásához szükséges lépéseket.
El acuerdo voluntario es un método cuya efectividad está probada para reducir el desperdicio alimentario. Mediante el trabajo conjunto para la consecución de objetivos comunes, las organizaciones pueden colaborar y generar cambios de una forma más efectiva y eficiente. A través de ejemplos prácticos que forman parte de los programas nacionales de REFRESH, así como el exitoso proyecto WRAP de Inglaterra, incluyendo el acuerdo Courtauld 2025, esta guía establece los pasos necesarios para el diseño de acuerdos voluntarios exitosos.
Vrijwillige Samenwerkingsverbanden werpen hun vruchten af om voedselverspilling te voorkomen. Door samenwerking kunnen gezamenlijke doelen worden bereikt, worden bedrijven geprikkeld tot samenwerking en kan verandering op een zo efficiënt en effectief mogelijke manier worden bereikt. REFRESH heeft op basis van de eigen succesvolle implementatie van 5 nationale vrijwillige samenwerkingsverbanden in Nederland, Duitsland, Spanje, Hongarije en China, en het Britse voorbeeld van "Courtauld 2025", een blauwdruk voor succes opgesteld.
Eine freiwillige Vereinbarung ist eine bewährte Methode zur Bekämpfung von Lebensmittelabfällen. Durch die Zusammenarbeit zur Erreichung gemeinsamer Ziele können Unternehmen auf die effizienteste und effektivste Weise Veränderungen bewirken. Anhand praktischer Beispiele aus den nationalen REFRESH-Programmen sowie des Erfolgs von WRAP in Großbritannien u.a. mit Courtauld 2025, beschreibt dieser Leitfaden die notwendigen Schritte für den Abschluss erfolgreicher freiwilliger Vereinbarungen.
A voluntary agreement is a proven method for tackling food waste. By working together to achieve collective goals, organisations can collaborate and deliver change in the most efficient, effective way. Using practical examples from the REFRESH national programs, as well as WRAP’s UK success including Courtauld 2025, this guide outlines the steps necessary for building successful voluntary agreements.
The China Chain Store & Franchise Association (CCFA) Chain Catering Committee and CCFA China Sustainable Consumption Round-table jointly launched the "Voluntary Action Plan of CCFA Chain Catering Enterprises on Food Waste Reduction Initiative”. The launch event on March 13, 2019 in Shanghai was witnessed and participated by 500 Chinese catering companies, with nearly 1400 people present. This event was supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environmental Programme (UN ENVIRONMENT), NET PLANET NETWORK, the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, and the REFRESH project team.
FORKLIFT is a spreadsheet learning tool that indicates life cycle greenhouse gas emissions and costs for using selected food side flows . It allows users to interpret the results regarding the effects of intervention with the additional effect of making it possible to compare the results with alternative products available on the market.