The REFRESH Community of Experts (CoE) is a knowledge-sharing platform which seeks to promote best practice, foster discussions and improve stakeholder engagement. The website compiles initiatives in food waste prevention and reduction, which are categorised and tagged for easy user accessibility. At the same time, the website facilitates dialogue and collaboration between stakeholders.
The new report "Feeding surplus food to pigs safely" by REFRESH partner Feedback reveals that a change of law could liberate up to 2.5 million tonnes of currently wasted food from the UK’s manufacturing, retail and catering sectors to be fed to pigs.
The spreadsheet tool FORKLIFT was developed to help stakeholders gain a general understanding of the environmental impacts and costs for selected valorisation routes of a given food processing side flow. The approach enables the user to change different parameters and to try out how these changes affect the life cycle costs and greenhouse gas emissions. This report provides the general methodological background for the tool.
The “Night of the Market” event was organized for the second time, during which, for one night, the Budapest Wholesale Market was open to public. The first anniversary of the cooperation with the Food Bank was also celebrated at the event.
The report investigates using vegetable side streams, treated using a thermophysical technique known as steam explosion, as food ingredients and tests their functionality in model food products.
The report provides a baseline understanding of the current management approaches identified in previous research undertaken by REFRESH with respect to the policy concept of a Waste Hierarchy. It categorises management approaches that have been identified for 20 selected food production residues.
This brochure describes the interim results of the REFRESH (Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain) project through May 2018. REFRESH’s research into the behaviours, economics, and relationships that lead to food waste will inform future recommendations for efficient and versatile solutions to food waste at all levels of production.
The 1st international conference on urban agriculture and city sustainability aims to review and discuss ways in which urban agriculture can contribute to achieving sustainable cities.
REFRESH researcher Karen Luyckx featured on BBC1’s Countryfile, 30th Anniversary edition, arguing the case for lifting the ban on feeding surplus food to pigs, and how this can be done safely to avoid another outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease.
Saturday 23 June 2018 Wageningen University celebrated its 100th anniversary with the World Wide Wageningen Alumni Reunion. His Majesty King Willem-Alexander officially opened the alumni day on Wageningen Campus. Representatives from the REFRESH pilot initiative “Verspilling is Verrukkelijk” took the opportunity to offer a gift to the Dutch King: a basket full of food surplus products.