Los días 7 y 8 de Septiembre 2016 tuvo lugar en la sede de CREDA-UPC-IRTA, en la ESAB de Castelldefels, España, el segundo encuentro europeo del proyecto EU REFRESH, con el objetivo de discutir el progreso del proyecto y definir conjuntamente futuras acciones contra el desperdicio alimentario.

On the 7th and 8th of September 2016 the second meeting of the partners of the EU REFRESH project took place at the headquarters of CREDA-UPC-IRTA in Barcelona. The aim of the meeting was to examine the project's progress and jointly define future actions against food waste. In line with REFRESH objectives and values, catering services were provided by the social enterprise Espigoladors that demonstrated in a delicious way that it is possible to be sustainable.

The role of food waste management in a circular economy will be the topic of a dedicated session at the next Life Cycle Management conference LCM 2017 in Luxembourg. The panel discussion will explore the role the waste management and valorisation sector plays in regards to food waste as industry and society moves towards a circular economy. The call for abstracts is open until December 15th, 2016.

Példaértékű összefogásra készülnek a magyar élelmiszeripar kulcsszereplői az élelmiszerpazarlás és az éhezés ellen. Március 22-én a titkársági feladatokat is ellátó Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület szervezésében lezajlott a program hazai megvalósításáért felelős Élelmiszerérték Fórum Irányító Bizottságának első ülése. A találkozó során a megjelentek megerősítették elkötelezettségüket az ügy iránt, valamint meghatározták a főbb irányvonalakat. A kerekasztal-megbeszélésnek a Földművelésügyi Minisztérium adott otthont.

Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain" (REFRESH) is an EU research project taking action against food waste. Ecologic Institute is one of 26 REFRESH partners from 12 European countries and China. They work towards the project's goal to contribute towards Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 of halving per capita food waste at the retail and consumer level and reducing food losses along production and supply chains, reducing waste management costs, and maximizing the value from unavoidable food waste and packaging materials.

The EU Commission will establish an EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste. The Platform will bring together public entities (Member States/EFTA countries, EU bodies and international organisations) and actors in the food value chain including consumer- and other non-governmental organisations. Public entities are invited by the Commission to join the Platform as members. Private sector organisations can apply for participation until 27 May 2016.

We will discuss, together with our stakeholders, roadmaps towards an innovative, near zero waste Europe. Join us for this interactive stakeholder conference on the future of Europe’s circular economy. Let’s start preparing together for this event that will gather all the actors in the field: companies, researchers and governmental organizations. Let us know what your organization wants to address!

On May 31st, the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP), a Refresh project member, is celebrating its 10-year anniversary with an “un-conference” titled “The Future of Sustainable Lifestyles, Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy.”

Representatives from key organizations of the food sector attended the first REFRESH Pilot Working Platform Steering Committee meeting in Budapest on March 22, 2016. The event was hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and organized by the Hungarian Food Bank Association. Participants confirmed their commitment towards more efficiently using food and fighting against hunger.

Das erste Treffen der REFRESH Pilotplattform Deutschland fand am 2. Februar 2016 in Wuppertal statt. Vertreter und Verterinnen von 14 Organisationen diskutierten über den aktuellen Umgang mit Lebensmittelabfällen in Deutschland. Darunter waren Vertreter und Verterinnen aus der Nahrungsmittelindustrie, dem Einzelhandel, von Bundesministerien und der Zivilgesellschaft.


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