The Food Waste Reduction China Action Platform is a partnership initiated by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, CCFA and CHEARI, guided by FAO, UNEP ‘Think, Eat, Save’, and supported by REFRESH, in the aim of supporting China to achieve SDG 12.3.
A “Mintha otthon lennénk” pilot project keretei között a rlsztvevők elkészítettek egy útmutatót, amely az azt alkalmazó rendezvényszervezők számára hasznos tanácsokkal szolgál arra, hogy hogyan lehet a rendezvényeket minél kisebb mértékű élelmiszerpazarlással megszervezni.
As part of the "Just Like Home" pilot project, participants prepared a guide that provides useful advice to event organizers who wish to organize the events with the least amount of food waste.
The model architecture described in this deliverable provides the framework through which data and simulations from the data on food waste at a consumer level and at a retail level can be integrated into simulation models. This report highlights the technical approaches followed to achieve model integration.
Public campaigns and other policy instruments can significantly influence consumer behavior and contribute to a reduction of consumer food waste. There are only very few studies that have evaluated to what extent policy interventions actually reduced or prevented food waste. The REFRESH Policy Workshop "Public campaigns and other policy options for behaviour change" discussed the findings of REFRESH work on consumer behaviour and policy recommendations.
This brochure describes the interim results of the REFRESH (Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain) project through May 2018. REFRESH’s research into the behaviours, economics, and relationships that lead to food waste will inform future recommendations for efficient and versatile solutions to food waste at all levels of production.
The report provides an overview of the most relevant EU policies and instruments with an impact on food waste generation and/or prevention. It explains the relevance of the different policy areas at EU level and identifies the gaps, overlaps and unintended effects of EU regulation. Finally, it identifies potential opportunities for improvement in each policy area.
A conference in May will present best practices to reduce food waste in Italy and give the opportunity to discuss the impact of Law 166/2016.
The press release on “Report on China Urban Catering Industry Food Waste ” was presented at the discussion seminar on “organizing China food waste reduction alliance” on Mar 24th, 2018. Around 100 representatives joined the event, including UN Environment, UN FAO, China Food Bureau, China Home Electronic Appliance Research Institute (CHEARI), China Chain Store & Franchise Association(CCFA) and other unviersities, foundations, enterprises, and research institutions, alliances and NGOs.
This symposium will provide an invaluable opportunity for industry experts, policy makers, academics, NGOs and other key stakeholders to review the EU strategy on food waste and discuss behavioural, social and technological solutions aimed at promoting improved food waste management. Dr. Hilke Bos-Brouwers, REFRESH coordinator, will be presenting.