The next FOOD 2030 high-level event will be held under the Bulgarian Presidency in Plovdiv on 14-15 June 2018. The event will focus on the research policy agenda for sustainable food systems. REFRESH will present at a stand at the Food Village.
The next FOOD 2030 high-level event will be held under the Bulgarian Presidency in Plovdiv on 14-15 June 2018. The event will focus on the research policy agenda for sustainable food systems. REFRESH will present at a stand at the Food Village.
This report presents insights about in-home food waste, including: the amounts wasted, household’s food prevention practices, and the influence of motivation, abilities, and opportunities on household food waste. It is based on a large-scale consumer survey in Germany, the Netherlands, Hungary, and Spain.
On the 28th of November 2017, EU commissioner Andriukaitis (Health and Food Safety) and Minister Schouten (Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, NL) visited the ‘Food Waste Factory’ in Veghel, located in THREE SIXTY, the heart of the Dutch ecosystem for circular economy in food. They met with the Dutch frontrunners on food waste prevention.
This report identifies drivers of food waste across the supply chain in five food categories: bread, dairy, potatoes/tomatoes, prepared meals (sandwiches), and processed meat/poultry. These drivers were linked with the main waste streams they generate.
The progress of the Refresh project and the latest initiatives of the members of the Platform were presented, the next steps to be followed in the coming months were also discussed. We enjoyed both an interesting and entertaining program.
2017. szeptember 28-29. között került megrendezésre az első Food Waste Hackathon Miskolcon, a Bay Zoltán Alkalmazott Kutatási Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. szervezésében. A versenyen egy olyan applikáció vagy web-oldal megtervezését kellett megvalósítaniuk a lelkes résztvevőknek, amelynek segítségével mérsékelhető az élelmiszerpazarlás mértéke a teljes élelmiszerlánc mentén.
Between September 28 and 29, 2017 the first Food Waste Hackathon was organized in Miskolc, by the Bay Zoltán Applied Research Nonprofit Ltd. During the event the enthusiastic participants had to design an application or web-page that can help to mitigate the amount of food waste along the entire food chain.
A Tesco Európa közzétette a 2016/2017-es pénzügyi évre vonatkozó jelentését a működése során keletkező élelmiszer-felesleg és -hulladék mennyiségéről. Az áruházlánc a szektor képviselői közül a Közép-Európai régióban elsőként publikált ilyen adatokat, mert meggyőződése, hogy az átláthatóság és a mérés nélkülözhetetlen ahhoz, hogy még hatékonyabb lépéseket tegyen a pazarlás visszaszorítása érdekében.
Tesco Europe has published its report on the amount of food surplus and waste generated during its operation for the financial year 2016/2017. The chain stores has published such data first from the sector representatives in the Central European region, for it is convinced that transparency and measurement are indispensable to taking even more effective steps to reduce waste. covers EU efforts to combat food waste, and mentions the REFRESH project and the newly launched Community of Experts (CoE)
REFRESH was funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement no. 641933. The views and opinions expressed in this website are purely those of the writers and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.