Im Juli 2017 lädt das EU REFRESH Projekt für einen Zeitraum von 3 Wochen zur Teilnahme an einer VerbraucherInnenumfrage ein. Ziel ist es verschiedene Informationen, die auf Lebensmittel- und Getränkeverpackungen zu finden sind und deren Effekte auf Konsumverhalten zu untersuchen. Die Umfrage konzentriert sich auf die vier REFRESH-Pilotländer: Niederlande, Deutschland, Spanien und Ungarn.

Durante las próximas tres semanas de julio, REFRESH estará recopilando respuestas a una encuesta a consumidores. El objetivo es estudiar los diferentes formatos de información encontrados en los productos alimenticios, y los efectos que tienen en el comportamiento del consumidor. La encuesta se centra en los cuatro países piloto de REFRESH: Países Bajos, Alemania, España y Hungría.

In July 2017, REFRESH reached out to consumers in its four pilot countries (The Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Hungary) to complete a survey on food and drink products. The purpose of the research is to investigate different contents and formats of on-pack information and their effect on consumer understanding and food waste behaviours in these four EU member states. The results of the survey will be disseminated towards the end of 2017.

The poster summarizes and illustrates the REFRESH Food Waste Solution Contest.

The Consumer Goods Forum leads the Sustainable Retail Summit to catalyze collaborative and action-oriented work towards long-term sustainable growth in the consumer goods industry. The focuses of the Summit are strategies for reducing food waste, eradicating forced labour, and supporting healthier living.

This brochure describes the interim results of the REFRESH (Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain) project through May 2017. REFRESH’s research into the behaviours, economics, and relationships that lead to food waste will inform future recommendations into efficient and versatile solutions to food waste at all levels of its production.

Champions 12.3 is a coalition of high-level stakeholders dedicated to mobolizing action on SDG 12.3 on food waste. Activities in mid-2017 included conferences, media outreach, awards, and speeches at key stakeholder events. 

The EU-funded project Strategies to Reduce Food Waste in Central Europe (STREFOWA) will be hosting its second of five Food Waste Hackathons in Poland June 23-25.  

The REFRESH project has evaluated the top 20 EU food waste streams having significant environmental impact. Thirty-seven priority waste streams were further reviewed to identify the top streams for modeling and detailed research with regards to valorization. 

The REFRESH Food Waste 2017 Multi-stakeholder Conference took place on the 18th of May at the Umweltforum in Berlin, Germany. The Conference brought together leaders in food waste prevention, reduction and valorisation. REFRESH partners presented the latest results and ongoing work of the REFRESH Project. Documentation of the conference including proceedings and presentations are available for download.


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