15-16 February 2016

DIAMANT Brussels Conference & Business Centre, Brussels, Belgium


After three years of intensive research and analysis, the DYNAMIX and POLFREE projects, both funded by the European Commission FP7 program, will come to a close in March 2016. Therefore, it is time to present and disseminate main results and messages from the research outcomes on policy mixes for a resource efficient EU. 

FUSIONS aims for more efficient use of resources and a considerable reduction of food waste in the food chain from field to fork across Europe. An overview of the project activities will be presented in the meeting.

You are warmly welcome to participate in the fourth and final Regional FUSIONS Nordic/Scandinavian Platform meeting in Copenhagen!

We kindly ask for your contribution and knowledge to reduce food waste through social innovations. You will hear latest news about food waste research in FUSIONS project and Nordic countries.

On December 2, 2015 the European Commission adopted the new Circular Economy Package that includes an EU Action Plan. Action to address food waste is a key component of the strategy, which sets out to contribute to meeting the global Sustainable Development Goal of halving food waste by 2030. The proposals within the package have gathered support from a range of stakeholders and EU Member States, including many in the packaging industry. It includes measures related to food waste, such as commitments to improve date labeling. However, some have criticised the removal of a concrete target on reducing food waste. Talks on the implementation of the package are ongoing in 2016.

El 16 de septiembre de 2015 marca el inicio del proyecto financiado de la UE Horizonte 2020 (REFRESH) "Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain". 26 socios de 12 países europeos y de China trabajarán juntos para contribuir  a  los  objetivos  de  reducir  el  desperdicio  alimentario  en  toda  la  UE  en  un  30% para  el  año  2025,  reducir  los  costes  de  gestión  de  residuos,  y  maximizar  el  valor  del  desperdicio alimentario inevitable y  del  material de embalaje. REFRESH se extenderá desde julio 2015 hasta junio 2019.

2015 szeptember 16-án indult el a Horizont 2020 program által finanszírozott “Erőforrás-hatékony élelmet a teljes ellátási láncon” (REFRESH) projekt. 12 európai országból és Kínából összesen 26 partner dolgozik majd a célkitűzések megvalósításán: az Európában hulladékká váló élelmiszermennyiség 30%-kal való csökkentésén 2025-ig; a hulladékgazdálkodás költségeinek csökkentésén; valamint a szükségszerű élelmiszerhulladék és csomagolás lehető legjobb felhasználásán. A REFRESH project 2015 júliusától 2019 júniusáig fog tartani.

On Saturday 17th October, Feeding the 5000 will come to the Piazza Castello in Milan, Italy to offer 5000 delicious, free meals prepared with fresh quality food that would otherwise have been wasted. The cooks are two-Michelin star Chef Marco Sacco. This celebratory and festive event is open to all and will bring attention to the scandal of food waste and prove that win-win solutions to the problem do exist.

Mit dem neuen EU-Projekt REFRESH ("Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain") werden innovative Ansätze zur Vermeidung und Verwertung von Lebensmittelabfällen entlang aller Abschnitte der Versorgungskette untersucht. Hierfür kooperieren 26 Partner aus 12 europäischen Ländern und China, um gemeinsam auf das Ziel hinzuarbeiten, die Lebensmittelverschwendung in Europa bis 2025 um 30% zu reduzieren und übertragbare Lösungsansätze zu entwickeln. Das Projekt läuft von Juli 2015 bis Juni 2019.


This forum will be occasion to look at food waste from a hands-on perspective and explore new tracks in addressing the issue.

At this final conference of the EU project RESFOOD, practitioners and researchers of the water sector and the food chain, large companies and SME’s, will find out about new technologies designing a sustainable food chain.

Op 15 september 2015 is het project 'REFRESH' (Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain) van start gegaan. Het doel van het project is een bijdrage te leveren aan de realisatie van 30% minder voedselverspilling in Europa in 2025, het verminderen van de afvalbeheerkosten en het maximaliseren van de waarde van onvermijdbaar voedselafval en verpakkingsmaterialen. 26 Partners uit twaalf Europese landen en China werken samen aan dit doel. REFRESH loopt van juli 2015 tot juni 2019 en wordt gefinancierd door het Horizon 2020-programma van de EU.


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