The REFRESH final results brochure provides an overview of the work undertaken within the project including key insights and links to the results that are available online.
This report adopts a Bayesian hierarchical mixed-effects modelling approach, based on previous REFRESH work, to quantify the relationships between socioeconomic and demographic indicators and household food waste and the potential impact of an external intervention on food waste.
This report consists in a series of reports developing estimates for household food waste levels under four different scenarios for each European country and for the whole EU28.
This report collects 29 single food waste scenarios (28 country scenarios and a prediction scenario related to the whole EU-28), describing the amounts of food wasted every year by an average household and are based on predictions of food waste levels conducted considering the current values of different socioeconomic and demographic factors.
This report presents the results of the simulations from an integrated model of consumer food waste. This is the first step in developing a model that can assess the impact of policy interventions on reducing food waste among consumers. Final aim is to create a predictive and dynamic policy support tool for a road map for the 50% reduction of European food waste by 2030. This model combines an Agent Based Model and a Bayesian Network.
Food Waste is problem related to all the actors of the Food Value Chain: producers, retailers and consumers. In this context, retail sector plays an important role in tackling the food waste problem. Food waste at the retail level can be reduced through the adoption of food waste reducing innovations. The authors investigate the most relevant factors that promote the adoption of those innovations among retailers.
The model architecture described in this deliverable provides the framework through which data and simulations from the data on food waste at a consumer level and at a retail level can be integrated into simulation models. This report highlights the technical approaches followed to achieve model integration.
This brochure describes the interim results of the REFRESH (Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain) project through May 2018. REFRESH’s research into the behaviours, economics, and relationships that lead to food waste will inform future recommendations for efficient and versatile solutions to food waste at all levels of production.
This peer-reviewed paper finds that consumer food waste is influenced by country, age, student status, and belief that the family wastes too much, and suggests how policy interventions can be designed to target these drivers.
This report provides the methodological background needed to identify and measure the most important socio-economic conditions and potential policy interventions driving businesses’ and consumers’ choices in the generation of food waste, using a behavioural economics approach.