This report collects 29 single food waste scenarios (28 country scenarios and a prediction scenario related to the whole EU-28), describing the amounts of food wasted every year by an average household and are based on predictions of food waste levels conducted considering the current values of different socioeconomic and demographic factors.
REFRESH aims to provide new information on consumer and business performance applying behavioral economics approaches intended as the study of the influence that psychological, cognitive, emotional, heuristic and cultural considerations exert on economic agents’ (individuals, organizations) decisions. The identification and analysis of the socioeconomic conditions and driving factors that influence consumers’ choices and businesses’ decision in the creation and/or reduction of food waste, can support the design of more effective policy and market interventions to prevent and reduce food waste. Methodologically, the work takes advantage of different modelling approaches as Agent-Based Models (ABM) and Bayesian Networks (BN).
This work is part of a collection of reports on household food waste prediction for EU28, member countries and European regions. The collection consists of the methodological report "A roadmap to reduce food waste in Europe", which represents the theoretical base for two additional reports, this report "Pan-European scenarios of food waste levels" and "A pan-European simulation of selected interventions", where food waste scenarios for EU28 and for each European country are presented.
In particular, this report collects 29 single food waste scenarios (28 country scenarios and a prediction scenario related to the whole EU-28) based on the REFRESH roadmap tool developed in the methodological report. Scenarios, describing kilograms of food wasted every year by an average household, are based on predictions of food waste levels conducted considering the current values of different socioeconomic and demographic factors: GDP (euros at purchasing power parity), the national tertiary education rates, national employment rate, average household size and house ownership status. No external intervention aimed at reducing the quantity of food waste is considered.
Masotti, M., Stewart, G., Close, A., Setti, M., Vittuari, M., 2019: Pan-European scenarios of food waste levels. REFRESH Deliverable 4.6
- English
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Masotti, M., Stewart, G., Close, A., Setti, M., Vittuari, M., 2019: Pan-European scenarios of food waste levels. REFRESH Deliverable 4.6