On September 22, 2016, the second meeting of the steering committee of the Spanish national platform to fight against food waste in the context of the EU REFRESH project took place at the headquarters of CREDA-UPC-IRTA in UPC’s Baix Llobregat Campus in Castelldefels (Barcelona). Representatives of stakeholders of the food chain met to agree on a Framework for Action to set up their collective engagement of working to reduce or prevent food waste.
A voluntary agreement to fight against food waste
The national platforms are being developed under the umbrella of the REFRESH project in four countries (Hungary, Germany, Netherlands and Spain). They aim to prove the effectiveness of non-binding agreements to go beyond present legislation to tackle food waste in Europe.
Thus, through the signature of the Framework for Action, participants will commit themselves to support or implement specific measures to reduce food waste in their particular areas of influence, as well as to attend regular meetings to circulate relevant information and stimulate synergies.
A platform that represents diversity
The Steering Committee of the national platform aims to fuel collaboration among the different stakeholders with capacity to influence the diverse stages of the food chain in Spain, from primary production to households, and from administration and businesses to NGOs and social enterprises, showing interest in fighting food waste.
Representatives of numerous organizations attended the Second Meeting of the National Platform in Spain: AECOC, ACES, HISPACOOP, MERCABARNA, Agencia de Residuos de Cataluña, COAG-JARC, Plataforma Aprovechemos los Alimentos, Espigoladors, FIAB, ASEDAS, PROSALUS, PACKNET, FCAC, Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, GASTROFIRA and Banco de Alimentos de Barcelona. The social enterprise Espigoladors prepared the catering service.
Next steps
In the coming days the participant organisations will ratify the Framework for Action that was agreed on in this second meeting. In addition, in the following months 3-4 pilot projects will be selected. These will be conducted to test the effectiveness and potential for scaling-up of specific measure to reduce or prevent food waste. The pilot projects will be monitored by CREDA-UPC-IRTA, as well as supported by the members of the national platform during the coming two years.
- Spanish
- Spanish
National contact: José M. Gil Roig , CREDA-UPC-IRTA
European contact: Kate Bygrave , Waste Resources Action Programme