Champions 12.3 is a coalition of high-level stakeholders dedicated to mobolizing action on SDG 12.3 on food waste. Activities in mid-2017 included conferences, media outreach, awards, and speeches at key stakeholder events. 

The EU-funded project Strategies to Reduce Food Waste in Central Europe (STREFOWA) will be hosting its second of five Food Waste Hackathons in Poland June 23-25.  

The REFRESH project has evaluated the top 20 EU food waste streams having significant environmental impact. Thirty-seven priority waste streams were further reviewed to identify the top streams for modeling and detailed research with regards to valorization. 

The REFRESH Food Waste 2017 Multi-stakeholder Conference took place on the 18th of May at the Umweltforum in Berlin, Germany. The Conference brought together leaders in food waste prevention, reduction and valorisation. REFRESH partners presented the latest results and ongoing work of the REFRESH Project. Documentation of the conference including proceedings and presentations are available for download.

With the World Food Convention, the German newspaper Tagesspiegel is organizing an international, high level event on 22 June 2017 in Berlin. 500 participants from policy, industry, diplomacy, NGOs as well as science and academia will discuss the most pressing issues of global food production and distribution.

As a Spanish Refresh platform’s pilot project, Gastrofira, the catering service at Fira Barcelona, is collaborating with CREDA-UPC-IRTA to reduce the amount of food waste generated through their activities.


A recent article in the Spanish "digitalmagazine" analyzes the complexity of the causes and solutions to food waste in Europe. Spanish Refresh partner, CREDA-UPC-IRTA, is working with WRAP as wells as key national actors to tackle food waste in Catalonia and Spain. 

Gastrofira is the catering service of “Feria de Barcelona”, one of the most important European trade fair organisations. They have joined the Refresh platform, and specifically Spain’s first pilot project, as a way to reduce their food waste.

As part of REFRESH we are reaching out to capture information for an up-to-date overview of current and best practice commercial examples of re-using or re-processing food sector by-products and wastes. Please contribute knowledge and contacts to the survey by 31 October 2017! Contributing to this survey supports the wider objectives of REFRESH for an efficient and sustainable use of non-preventable food sector by-products.

The multistakeholder conference "REFRESH Food Waste 2017" took place in May 2017 in Berlin (Germany). It brought together leaders in food waste prevention, reduction and valorisation and featured keynote addresses by Dr. Maria Flachsbarth and Vytenis Andriukaitis.

REFRESH partners presented the latest project results and ongoing work. The winners of the REFRESH Food Waste Solution Contest presented their projects. The Conference also featured an innovator fair, two art installations, an improvisational theatre performance, two real-live pigs, and a "Disco Chop" evening.


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