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Perfect portioning of pasta, rice and couscous is easier than ever, with Eetmaatje. Launched by the Netherlands Nutrition Centre in 2014, this unique tool helps home cooks measure the perfect portion size.

What is Eetmaatje?

Eetmaatje is a measuring cup that indicates portion sizes instead of grams or millilitres, making it easy to cook precisely the right amounts of pasta or rice. Use Eetmaatje for all grains and pastas (including spaghetti, using the circles on the bottom) and water.

Why Eetmaatje?

Pasta and rice often get thrown away because people cook too much of it. Getting the quantity right is tricky as these products expand during cooking, people misjudge or simply use the whole package. Studies show that 60% of consumers want to waste less by measuring portion sizes. By cooking the right portions of pasta and rice, most households can cut their food waste by 2.5 kg (5%) a year. Eetmaatje is a tool to help do just that.

Who is behind Eetmaatje?

Eetmaatje is an idea of the Netherlands Nutrition Centre. It is designed and developed by International Innovation Company in 2014. One million Eetmaatjes were distributed at Albert Heijn supermarkets and through municipal offices and hospitals. Eetmaatje is made of 100% recyclable, lightweight polypropylene, and is dishwasher safe. It is manufactured and assembled in a social work facility in the Netherlands.

What are the results of Eetmaatje?

More than 1 million Eetmaatjes have been distributed over three years. A customer survey by Albert Heijn shows that 85% of consumers (who have Eetmaatje at home) find it very useful to measure portion sizes (89%) and waste less food (83%). Eetmaatje already has an equivalent in Britain: the MeasureAll, which is currently being piloted.


Voedingscentrum (The Netherlands Nutrition Centre)


The Netherlands