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We’re Wastewatchers. We fight food waste in the hospitality branche, for example: Hotels, hospitals, business canteens and elderly homes. The hospitality branche in the Netherlands stands for approximately €1 billion food waste every year. We offer our clients an online tool and consultancy. We help them to register, to analyse and to reduce food waste. Our users use our tool daily and register the amount of food they have produced, the amount of food they have wasted and how many customers they had that particular day. With this information Wastewatchers makes in depth analyses who explain the existence of food waste. Wastewatchers sees food waste as a behavioural problem, which can only be changed when the market has a better alternative. We believe that if we can give the market a better (financial) prospect, they are able to fundamentally change their processes and thereby reduce food waste. Our innovation is that we succeeded to connect the users (mostly chefs), the work floor, management and CEOs with each other and to let them speak the same language on the topic of food waste. Our potential lies in the data we collect. We’ve set up a system where it is very easy to compare products, locations and regions with each other to understand the real reason why food waste is occurring. At this moment we’ve got 25.000 unique data points and the facts and figures have surprised us already a couple of times. We would love to share some examples in the near future. Together with our users we’re on the verge of a game changer, because with more data and more users we’re closing in on the real understanding of the existence of food waste.


Wastewatchers BV


The Netherlands