The Eco Living course is a three-week course and is comprised of two elements, reuse textile/paper and reduce food waste. To draw the participants to the threshold of acknowledging food waste, the project follows WRAP’s process of measuring food waste before and after the intervention. The basic template for the training has been developed from WRAP’s ‘Love food hate waste’ campaign. What is unique about this course is the process of engaging itself. The session progresses from raising awareness on reusing textile/ paper waste through a recycling activity, thereafter moving on to food waste. Participants are also asked to record their household food waste, its weight and the reason for discarding it over a week. In the second week, the participants are advised on measuring and selecting the correct portion size, use of stick-on ‘leftover label’ and storage of extra food in freezers as good practice. Participants are also given incentives, in a good bag, which contains recipes and measurement tools. In the beginning of week three after the intervention, the participants measure the food waste again. There is a marked drop in the food waste in the household after the intervention. To make it user friendly we suggest our participants to use their smart phones to record the food waste as well as record the food requirement for the household, to help them plan the next shop. This measure has led to the development of a new app that helps participants in planning meals, food miles, gives tips on reducing food waste and assists the user in calculating the carbon footprint of the food waste which has carbon footprint as well as assist them to calculate their food waste. The app is still under process.
West of Scotland Regional EualityCouncil
United Kingdom