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The Hexpirons are ‘Smart’ fridge magnets that monitor the expiration of household foods. The devices use visual cues to warn consumers as to when their foods are close to expiry. After a food shop, the food information is sent to the devices and they become activated. Initially, the lights on each individual Hexpiron turn green and gradually change to red over a certain time period, depending on the food, to signify the food expiring. Each individual Hexpiron displays the food’s name, how many days are left of the expiration period and a personalised message, to help the user connect with the devices. Each Hexpiron has a reset button, located on the back, so it can be deactivated when the food has been consumed. The devices are linked to a phone App, this helps the users track which foods they have in the house, so they don’t accidently buy any duplicates on their next food shop. The Hexpirons encourage people to group foods expiring soon and inspires them to cook meals with these new combinations. In addition, the Hexpirons help people save money by using food they would otherwise have thrown away whilst reducing food waste.


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