Final Synthesis Report. Deliverable D2.8.

One aspect of REFRESH aimed to design and pilot food waste voluntary agreements (VAs) across EU member states and subsequently assess their potential for wider adoption. In the context of REFRESH, a piloted VA is described as a “Framework for Action” (FA). In total, four countries across Europe piloted FAs: Netherlands, Spain, Germany and Hungary. In this report the authors evaluate the piloted FAs to assess whether they had been successful, show their potential impact and highlight the circumstances in which they are likely to be more successful if replicated.

The report highlights the evaluation plan for the piloted frameworks for action (FAs). The main body focuses on four case studies (one for each pilot country) which are used to help determine the success of the piloted FAs.

These case studies include:

  1. an overview of the FA and its set up,
  2. shorter case studies on innovative food waste reduction projects undertaken by FA participants and
  3. findings from two process evaluations.

The report concludes by discussing FA successes, challenges and considerations for the future.


Boulding, A., Devine, R., 2019: Evaluation FA Pilots - Final Synthesis Report. REFRESH Deliverable 2.8


  • English

Publishing date: 



We would like to thank the following individuals for their input into the final report: Mandy Burrows, WRAP; Cristina Osoro Cangas, WRAP; Kate Bygrave, WRAP; David Rogers, WRAP Global; Patrik Eisenhauer, CSCP; Nora Brüggemann, CSCP; Raquel Diaz Ruiz, CREDA; Feliu Lopez, CREDA; Djamel Rahmani, CREDA; Balázs CSEH, HFBA; Toine Timmermans, WUR; Hilke Bos-Brouwers, WUR; Erica Van Herpen, WUR; Gao Si, IVL China We would also like to thank all the FA organisations who participated in the evaluation process. Their time and effort was incredibly important for the creation of this report.



Boulding, A., Devine, R., 2019: Evaluation FA Pilots - Final Synthesis Report. REFRESH Deliverable 2.8



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