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We all know that fighting the food waste problem cannot be solved by the snap of a finger – but perhaps we can make a real difference with a swipe of a finger? That’s what discount retailer NETTO set out to test in early 2016 together with fødevareBanken, a leading Danish food bank. Since 1981 NETTO has had one purpose: to give everyone the ability to prepare great meals with quality food ingredients at low prices. For us this means a responsibility to ourselves, our customers and our planet to ensure that the food which is produced and sold by NETTO across our 1,300 European stores is eaten – not thrown away. Our addition to the European food waste battle is an innovative and easily scalable free smartphone app, “Mad skal spises ”, that enables consumers to fight food waste in their everyday grocery shopping – and save money in the process. In short our app enables consumers to find and buy fresh food nearing its expiry date at very reduced prices, e.g. 2kg of potatoes for €0,5. The core of the app is a geo-positioning engine that immediately finds the nearest NETTO stores near you and showcases the food items available. So far, the app is a great success, since June 2016 it has been downloaded more than 125,000 times and is used across our 460 stores in Denmark. Thus resulting in a massive 10 % food waste reduction in NETTO already. We believe that the success is due to it being incentive-driven for all parties involved – we all win. The consumer saves money, NETTO does not loose revenues and the planet wins from less food waste. We all win by doing good together and in 2017, NETTO’s app will hit all our 1,300 stores across Europe.



