Description of standardised models for the valorisation spreadsheet tool for life-cycle assessment and life-cycle costing

The spreadsheet tool FORKLIFT was developed to help stakeholders gain a general understanding of the environmental impacts and costs for selected valorisation routes of a given food processing side flow. The approach enables the user to change different parameters and to try out how these changes affect the life cycle costs and greenhouse gas emissions. This report provides the general methodological background for the tool.

Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) are well-documented and common approaches for assessing the environmental impacts and costs of a system. Both LCA and LCC allow for a large flexibility in system scoping. Consistent approaches are required for reliable comparisons between different options.

The FORKKLIFT tool is a simplified learning tool, based on the LCA and LCC approach where quantitative data has been gathered and streamlined and made available through simplified spreadsheet models.

The current report provides the general methodological background documentation on the REFRESH tool FORKLIFT, FOod side flow Recovery LIFe cycle Tool, for life-cycle assessment and life-cycle costing. The approach is based on the recommendations provided in the REFRESH report D5.3 Generic strategy LCA and LCC”.

The report outlines the methodological choices and assumptions related to the goal and scope, the limitations of the model, and the intended audience. The pros and cons of the modelling approach are discussed, in particular how it can be complementary to the REFRESH food-use hierarchy.

Furthermore, this report presents generic models on valorisation and disposal options, which are available across all side flows (e.g. anaerobic digestion, end-of-life treatment) and general considerations on the assessment of animal feeding and fertilizing.



Östergren, K., Scherhaufer, S., De Menna, F., García Herrero, L., Gollnow, S., Davis, J.,  Vittuari, M., 2018: Simplified LCA & LCC of food waste valorization, Description of standardised models for the valorisation spreadsheet tool for life-cycle assessment and life-cycle costing. REFRESH Deliverable 5.4


  • English

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Östergren, K., Scherhaufer, S., De Menna, F., García Herrero, L., Gollnow, S., Davis, J.,  Vittuari, M., 2018: Simplified LCA & LCC of food waste valorization, Description of standardised models for the valorisation spreadsheet tool for life-cycle assessment and life-cycle costing. REFRESH Deliverable 5.4


D5.4 Simplified LCA & LCC of food waste valorisation