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The Food Fair is a national platform and management system designed to facilitate food donations between professional actors of the food sector and recipients like social organizations or new food entrepreneurs in Circular Economy. The Food Fair matches and connects the donor's unsold food into a new sustainable values chains relying on a next generation collaborative logistics. Additionally, integrated analytics allows to monitor and track all the donation flows in real time, while a reporting system allows the donors to quantify the given aid, and simplify the administrative formalities (VAT, etc.) Each donation is made in compliance with the official food chain safety standards and respects the users’privacy. Today the Fair Food exchange model is fully in line with the Belgian operating system and regulations, thanks to the regional partner organizations (FdSS, Komosie and Level IT) and public authorities involved in this project. We are currently studying how to replicate this project in the other member states of the European Union, considering each state’s specificities. The goal is to create a (connected) network that facilitates the upgrading of food surpluses, by promoting short food circuits and involving each local municipality and city (Food Smart City). In Belgium, by November 2016 more than 330 tons have transited through the platform and more than 300 food aid organizations have already registered. We plan to go pass the 1,500 tons in the next three months with the deployment in the retail sector. In short, the Food Fair has built a community to contribute to use food surplus for what it is made for namely human consumption and the results keep growing day by day.


Partnership between Komosie, FdSS and Level IT

